Hoyt Weimer School


Click here for a listing of all the Hoyt Academic Fellows.

Established in 1982, the Weimer School is a unique and effective forum for fostering academic work that improves the quality of decision making in real estate and land economics.  Through open discussion of evolving research, the real estate body of knowledge is expanded and focused on applications for industry.  Academic, business, and government leaders share their knowledge, experience, and ideas to influence relevant research. This unique interactive program provides post-doctoral education for leading educators, and concentrated study of current academic thought and research for leading executives who have major research responsibilities. The Weimer School has financed research studies by faculty members of the nation’s most prestigious real estate programs, including: University of California/Los Angeles, University of California/Berkeley, University of Georgia, University of Florida, Southern Methodist University, University of Wisconsin, University of Connecticut, University of Pennsylvania, The Ohio State University, University of Illinois, University of North Carolina, Indiana University, University of Texas/Austin, and University of Michigan.

Most Weimer School Fellows are faculty members in major university real estate programs and researchers with organizations such as the American Enterprise Institute, the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, U.S. League of Savings Institutions, and the Joint Center for Housing Studies/Harvard University. An important feature of the Weimer School is the opportunity it affords academics and industry experts to learn from each other. Guest lecturers have represented some of America’s most important companies including: Goldman Sachs & Company, U.S. Gypsum Corporation, Tramell Crow, LaSalle Partners, Landauer Associates, Inc., Arthur Andersen & Company, Strouse Greenberg & Co., MGIC, and Wachovia Corporation.

Further confirmation of the quality of the Weimer School’s programs and personnel came by way of a U.S. News and World Report survey of the nation’s best departments in colleges and schools of business. The top five real estate programs in 1997 are as follows: University of Pennsylvania (Wharton), University of California at Berkeley (Haas), University of Wisconsin at Madison, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,  and The Ohio State University.  All five programs are associated with the Weimer School- as sources of Weimer School Fellows, home institutions of faculty members, and/or recipients of research grants from the Maury Seldin Advanced Studies Institute.   All of the five programs are represented on the Weimer School faculty.

For more information about the Maury Seldin Advanced Studies Institute and the Weimer School, contact us.

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