1982 – 1988

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Dr. Jide Iwarere Howard University
Dr. Mark A. Sunderman. University of Wyoming
Dr. Stephen J. Malpezzi, University of Wisconsin


Dr. David Gross, U.S. General Accounting Office
Dr. Jaime Alvayay, California State University, Sacramento
Dr. Taewon Kim , California State University, Los Angeles


Dr. Dixie M. Blackley, LeMoyne College  Dr. Robert W. Helsley, University of British Columbia


Dr. David C. Ling, University of Florida  Dr. Phillip Tseng, George Washington University


Dr. Donald Cunningham, Hankamer School of Business
Dr. Marian F. Wolfe Vernazza Wolfe Associates, Inc.
Dr. Mitchell Rachlis, George Washington University


Dr.  Barry A. Diskin, Florida State University Dr. James R. DeLisle, University of Washington


Dr. Daniel  E. Page, Auburn University
Dr. Terry V. Grissom, Georgia State University 
Dr. William  B. Shear, U.S. Government Accountability Office

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